Fxcapital-market uses the most advanced trading techniques and algorithgms therefore making the trading experience uniquely easy.
At Fxcapital-market, we really look after our customers. You are guaranteed a peace of mind, by having a real person to chat to from 9am to 11pm everyday. Founded in 2017, we have helped thousands of customers to trade crypto and collected numerous positive reviews. We have been featured in a number of mainstream media channels, including SBS World News.
We’re crypto experts, so you don’t have to be. When you sign up with us, you become part of the wolves team. Whatever it is, we’ve got your back.
Fxcapital-market carries crime insurance that protects a portion of digital assets held across our storage systems against losses from theft, including cybersecurity breaches.
To make trading cryptocurrency safe & easy-to-understand. We are committed to empowering & providing our customers with a simple, easy way to access this exciting new resource. Crypto is here to stay and so are we.
Quarterly volume traded
Countries supported
Verified users